By News Desk
Melbourne, 24 May: Australia will allow 190,000 migrants into the country including 128,550 for skilled migration, 60 885 places for family migration and 565 places for migration under the special eligibility stream.
‘The family stream will see more places being allocated for partners and children which together increase by 335 places, in recognition of the strong social and economic benefits of close family reunion, while the number of places in the contributory parent category has also been increased by 500 places,’ says a media release.
‘The additional 4,000 places in the family stream which the previous government allocated to maritime arrivals have been removed, resulting in a saving of around $267 million.
Growth in business visa programmes will be prioritized and over $300 million will be saved through changes to Australia’s 2014-15 migration programme, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, the Hon Scott Morrison, said.
The current budget allocates almost 68 per cent of Australia’s migration places to skilled migration, and reprioritises employer-sponsored visas.
The family stream will see more places being allocated for partners and children which together increase by 335 places, in recognition of the strong social and economic benefits of close family reunion, while the number of places in the contributory parent category has also been increased by 500 places.
– SAT News Service.