Yes23 campaign boost in Holt

MELBOURNE, 2 September 2023: The Yes23 campaign today took a boost with Senator Jana Stewaret, First Aboriginal Labor Senator for Victoria (Muthi Muthi & Wamba Wamba) and Cassandra Fernando MP, Federal member for Holt, joining hands for a workshop which explained how one can help for the October 14, 2023 Referendum. ‘Holt says Yes’ was the slogan under which hundreds from different communities gathered at the Cranbourne West Community Hub today. Casandra addressing the gathering explained how the Yes23 campaign was progressing and the community could further spread the message of writing Yes on the referendum ballot paper.

In a powerful speech and power point presentation, Senator Jana Stewaret said the call for a First Nations Voice to be enshrined in the Australian constitution comes from the ‘Uluru Statement From The Heart’ 2017.

She said her favourite part of this statement was , “We seek constitutional reforms to empower our people and take a rightful place in our own country. When we have power over our destiny our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their cultures will be a gift to their country.”

She said 80 % Aboriginal people support the Yes23 campaign, but the referendum is for all Australians to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and the constitutional reforms need to be supported by the majority of them. The success of the ‘Yes’ vote will give the Aboriginal people being consulted for steps taken by the government for their betterment, she said.

The workshop was attended by many including from the multicultural communities from Holt and other areas. A lively Q-A and comments session followed the workshop. The importance of the referendum and talking and explaining it to others was emphasised. The enthusiasm to work for the success of Yes23 was reflected in the workshop. A message to walk with the Aboriginal people on 14 Oct, 2023 for Yes23 was the ambience  of the workshop.


By Neeraj Nanda

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